Ortho Mapping
Modern technology mapping your world
Orthographic Land Mapping is one of the services our company offers. Using large UAV's, we can capture data covering any size acreage, and export in a variety of formats. Our wide range of deliverables include: Color-coded Topographical maps, Orthomosaics, and Contour Line Maps. From 60 to 60,000 acres, we can take on any size project.
Common Applications:
Pipeline route maps
Topographical section maps
Multispectral plant and crop health maps
Visual section maps
Environmental surveys
Right-of-way inspection
Environmental impact site record
Quickly and easily identify potential sites, locations, and routes using our topographical maps.
Large scale and current surface imaging provides valuable insight which is important to aid in executing efficient operational decisions. Using our UAV systems, we capture data with extreme detail and precision. Licensed survey exports are available, as we integrate with various survey experts across the US.
Aerial Inspection Benefits:
Aerial site and structure mapping
Accurate topographical data for site plans
Rapid situation assessment for site emergencies
Elevation models are color-coded to assist in rapid identification of ideal locations for development and pipeline routes.
High resolution imagery
Accurate vegetation mapping
Resource planning optimization
Precisely repeatable surveys
Up to 30% cost savings on crop growing expenses
Immediate deliverables*
*Most data delivered not later than 48 hours after capture complete.
Safety Benefits
Increased safety with the reduction of personnel exposure to hazardous elements
Less ground crew risk
We provide a customized solution based on predefined client requirements.
Fast, accurate information that is exported as workable data
Export into Procore
JPEG, PNG, GeoTiff, OBJ, and many other GIS compatible file types